Gable Top Carton, Milk Carton, Juice Carton manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Lactobacillus Beverage/Juice/Albumen/Yoghour/Catsup/Jam/Lavation/Fruit Vinegar Package Paper Carton/Box, Tea/Water/Egg Tart Liquid/Emulsion/Pure Milk/Cream/Cheese/Coffee/Spice and Soup/Whip Topping/Lactobacillus Beverage/Juice/Albumen/Yoghour/Catsup/Jam Carton, Tea/Water/Egg Tart Liquid/Emulsion/Pure Milk/Cream/Cheese/Coffee/Spice and Soup/Whip Topping/Lactobacillus Beverage/Juice/Albumen/Yoghour/Catsup Box and so on.
The North End Of Longshan Road,Zhonggong Town, Jinan, China
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Our company is a professional producer of gable top cartons in China. He was founded in 2000. Mainly producing liquid package, such as gable top carton, aseptic pacakges. Quanhua cartons is abroadly used for various types of fresh milk, juice, tea, sake, cream ect. The annual production has been over 300 Million pieces. We supply 30% of the need of fresh packages in China market and our products are exported to more than 20 countries and zone. We have different grade and specification to meet the customer′s requirment. Plus, we have new products developing plan to seek resolution for specific market need.